Sunday, January 29, 2012

Training & Traveling

I got back from Minnesota today and have really been traveling a lot in the past month. After going to Oklahoma, then California and finally Minnesota, I've really noticed how tiring traveling is and how much it impacts quality training. This past week I took a down week by design, since I had been feeling pretty run down, but even if I had wanted to get a high mileage and high quality week in it would have been next to impossible. I was flying 3 days in the last 7, which forced me to take those days pretty easily (a good thing for me, since I can be compulsive sometimes). Even though the traveling definitely takes a toll on serious training, I really like seeing different places and think that, in the end, it ends up being a net benefit. Like I said before, I can be compulsive in training, especially during heavy periods and the imposed easy days are probably for the best.

 I finally feel energized and ready to run hard again, and not a moment too soon since this week will be pretty hard. I am racing a 1600 (anchor leg of a DMR) this Friday at the Armory and it will be my first track race since last May and my first hard mile in a long time. I'm excited to see how my fitness translates into racing so I can see where I'm at. It's time to start in with some race specific training as well, so I'll back off a little on mileage for the sake of quality. Getting ready to race always means tough training but I can't wait to reap the benefits of all the aerobic work I've done over the past few months and run fast this spring!

1 comment:

  1. Traveling to other places always takes a lot of energy. You will not notice immediately that your body gets tired while traveling specially if you are having fun, but you will feel it when you got home. Taking a day off and resting is the best way to re-energize your body after a long travel

    Apartment in pattaya
